Are Hammocks Good for Your Back? | MyHammocks Australia
Are Hammocks Good for Your Back?

Are Hammocks Good for Your Back?

There’s no denying that hammocks provide comfort and relaxation to all who use them — but are hammocks good for your back? Many people invest in a hammock for comfort, well-being, or simply because they’re cool. But it’s essential to know precisely what these marvellous furniture items can offer your body — particularly your back, which plays such a vital role in your overall health. This article will answer the question of whether hammocks are good or bad for your back and how you can maximise the benefits from them. 

Hammocks and Back Health — The Zero-Gravity Solution

Traditional hammocks put the lounger in the zero-gravity position — a space-inspired position initially developed by NASA to reduce the gravitational stress on astronauts’ bodies as they launch into space! As your hammock moves at a gentle sway rather than at an orbital exit velocity, we’re sure this position is excellent for your posture. There are even specialised zero gravity beds that are designed to provide this position for comfortable and healthy sleep.  

The zero-gravity position reduces pressure on the spine and back muscles, making it perfect for relaxation and back pain relief. The curvature of a hammock allows for a natural sleeping position — it also promotes proper spinal alignment and natural sleeping and relaxing posture. Your overall back health can benefit from this scientifically-sound position.

In addition to the astronaut’s zero-gravity position, several research studies have found that sleeping in a hammock can provide:

  • Better sleep quality.
  • Reduced stress levels.
  • Relief of back and neck pain.
  • An overall boost to mental and physical health.

Are Hammocks Good for Your Back?

Using a hammock to relax has several proven benefits for your back. These include:

Stress relief and relaxation

The calming effect of any hammock comes from its gentle swaying motion. A hammock’s sway has a calming effect that reduces stress and anxiety. Stress is linked directly to muscle tension and back pain, so reducing stress by relaxing in a hammock can reduce your back pain.

Improved sleep quality and posture

Because of the zero-gravity position and the soothing cradle effect of the hammock, many people experience better sleep quality in a hammock. Good sleep quality (and proper positioning during sleep) is linked to improved overall health — and comfort of the back and spine.

Reduced spinal pressure

Using a hammock reduces the spinal pressure present when standing, sitting, or even sleeping in bed — lying in a hammock aligns the spine naturally and relieves pressure on the spine, potentially alleviating back pain. 

It’s always important to remember that individual experiences vary, and no one is the same. What works for one person may not work for another. The only way to find out what’s right for you is to try!

fun fact about hammocks

Are Hammocks Bad for Your Back?

Some people experience discomfort when using a hammock — they may even worsen existing back issues. Discomfort and pain can occur due to improper setup, incorrect use, or an unsuitable hammock. Everyone is different, so it’s important to choose a hammock you’re sure is suitable for you and your back.

Some people prefer the upright sitting position that a swing-chair hammock provides, while others like the zero-gravity position of a traditional hammock. Something else to consider is the fabric — a tightly woven nylon hammock will offer more tautness and support than a looser rope hammock. Also, check the size of your hammock — a hammock that’s too small for its user can cause them discomfort and pain.

Tips for Maximising the Benefits of Your Hammock

To maximise the benefits of your personal hanging paradise, use a hammock that’s good for your back. With any hammock, consider the following tips to elevate your comfort: 

  • Hanging height and angle: hang the hammock at a 30-degree angle between the ground and the suspension lines. Make sure the hammock is hung high enough that you aren’t lowered to the ground when you lie in it. When hung this way, the hammock’s curve will accommodate your body perfectly, providing a nice hollow for your back.
  • Material and size: you can’t skimp on quality when choosing a hammock. Choose a professionally crafted hammock with high-quality materials that are comfortable and supportive. Choose a hammock that is large enough for you to stretch out and change positions if you need to.
  • Different postures: try different positions in the hammock and see what feels best for your back. Try lying diagonally in the hammock — this creates better spinal alignment by maintaining a flatter surface.
  • Additional support: hammocks can be made even better with extra support like comfortable pillows and cushions. Use them to help align your spine inside the hammock. 
why is sleeping in a hammock good for you?


Hammocks are excellent for your back and spine when used properly. They can reduce back pain, provide comfort and stress relief, and even improve sleep quality. To reap all these benefits, choosing a hammock that suits your body and finding the most comfortable position for you and your back is important.

If you’re ready to relax in style, choose the right hammock with MyHammocks. As the leading Australian hammock company, we offer a wide range of high-quality hammocks that provide excellent support for everyone. Give one of our hammocks a try (or a lie) and discover the benefits to your back and overall comfort and well-being.